A short introduction to UK legal gender for non-UK folks

Since this came up in regards to emigrating outside the UK and gender recognition I thought I’d write a small post about how gender works in the UK and is recorded. As the UK isn’t quite as organised as countries such as Germany it is possible and common for gender to be different depending on circumstances. This is probably best seperated into 2 sections. As always this is just a basic summary and it’s probably best to consult a lawyer.

Birth Certificate

Under UK law Legal Gender is defined as what’s on your Birth certificate. However for most practical purposes this is not actually legally significant as documentation such as driving licences and passports can be changed based on self ID.

The most important area where legal gender is important is getting married in the UK (as marriage vows in England/Wales may have to be recited in regards to legal gender), pension before the pension age was adjusted and if a person ended up in prison.

Eqality act and sex discrimination

Under the equality act it is illegal to descriminate due to trans status (perception or intent to transition) or sex. This would probably have the effect of covering a trans person in a sex discrimination case the same as a CIS person and there is also no need to disclose trans status in most cases (pretty much only for background checks when working with vulnerable people or working in a rape crisis centre). This is one area I’m not particuly well read up on so probably best to talk to a lawyer or trans organisation.

Other documentation

Apart from birth certificates all other documentation does not show legal gender but instead shows either the gender person identifies as or whatever they like (in the case of Ms/Mr/Mx as these have no legal standing).

In the case of ID documents such as passports/driving licences all that is required to change gender is a letter from a doctor or psychiatrist. It is also possibly to change your gender under the NHS using this method.

In the UK anyone can change name using either a deed poll (signed by witness’) or statutary declaration (signed by solicitor/judge). Both of these documents can be created using templates which are available free online.

Due to the equlity act and other provisions it is also easy to change documents such as exam certificates which are not normally changable by CIS people. For example changing your degree certificate is as simple as sending a certified copy of your statuatary declaration or deed poll and stating that you have undergone gender transition.

Toilets etc.

Access to single sex areas such as toilets is currently not controlled by law and is via convention. This means that you can use the one that match’s your gender identity. This is also backed up by case law around the Eqaulity act.

And update and maybe some hope for the UK

So it’s been awhile since we made the decision to move countries (Well technically since December). Things have been progressing slowly while we wait for the pandemic to subside and things to open up again.

While plans have been progressing it’s been a difficult month here in the UK and anxiety for not just me but most of the trans community has been through the roof. Earlier in the month we heard leaks from the government that the proposed reforms for our gender recognition laws were going to be shelved and our rights were going to be rolled back. This was rumoured to involve our access to ‘single-sex spaces’ being denied which would meen we potentially could even loose the right to use the toilet without harrasment (or arrest).

There has been a big push back from the community though and demonstrations have happened nationally. The push-back which has hopefully made the government realise that we are the small easily kicked minority that they hoped we would be. Surveys have also shown that there isn’t widespread support for rolling back our rights.

All of this has mean’t that the goverment has now announced that reform will be delayed again (first to this week and now to September). It means that we won’t get the prize of having self-ID for changing our birth-certificates but it also means that things atm won’t get worse either.

For now this feels like small victory. For me personally it gives me time so we can get ready to move. We still don’t trust that things won’t get worse over time and we still need to move somewhere where we can get away from the harm inflicted on us by the media and government. It also means that our friends and others that we care about also have a chance to be safe even though they don’t have the ability to move.

Lou’s future adventures beyond the UK

It’s been too long since I’ve blogged so due to some scary and exciting future life changes I’ve decided that it’s best to get writing again.

It’s been a difficult few years in the UK and things have been slowing getting worse here. The main stream media has become more hostile to trans people and we have a TERF for an equalities minister. The community is fighting back though and hopefully things will get better eventually. So hopefully one day the UK might be a better place for trans people.

We have decided though that this is not a country we wish to live in anymore when we could be happier elsewhere. I suspect one of the things that has really changed is me and my awareness of how England feels rotten to the core and although the younger generations here give me hope it’s not somewhere I feel comfortable anymore.

On a lighter note we are currently exploring a couple of options with help from the people over at https://twitter.com/TransEmigrate, Ireland and Germany.


Germany was our original plan before the coronavirus hit the world. We had been trying to rush preperations so we could leave before we would need to get visa’s to move there (1st January 2021).

We know a little more about Germany as I’ve been posted there for work and we have been on holiday in the Berlin and Cologne area. There are lots that sound good about Germany and a few things that are a little scary for our situation and we need to research to see what the situation is especially when it comes to things like gender recognition as we have both changed our names and gender on our passports but not birth certificates.


Ireland is something we hadn’t thought about till recently. They have self-ID so that is a massive plus for us as we could both change our legal gender easily. This is a massive plus for me as changing birth certificates is costly and bauracratic here. In the UK it may also not be possible for me to change without starting the process again (probably privately) as I believe the people who signed off my transition are no longer practicing. The only downside with Ireland will be living in a smaller country and we already find it difficult to live in rural Cambridgeshire.

Further information

I’m creating a page which will be updated as I discover more here

Adding a custom USB socket to the STM32 NUCLEO-F746

I’m currently building a design on the STM32F7 which I want to later port to a F4-NUCLEO board and eventually my own design so I want to test the USB host without the supplied electronics.

In order to do this I built a small USB breakout adapter and tried directly connecting this to 5V (for power) and PA11/PA12 (for USB).  The breakout was made by simply soldering some header pins to a USB socket.

I then attached the USB socket to CN12 as shown below.

The complete pinout for CN12 can be found here https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/ST-Nucleo-F746ZG/.

You will need to connect the pins on the usb connector as shown below:

  1. VBUS (+5v)
  2. PA11
  3. PA12
  4. GND

STM32 Nucleo boards and blackmagic probe.

I recently purchased a STM32F7 Nucleo boards to play around with Chibios.  These boards feature a integrated STlink debugger, I however do most of my development using a custom built debugger based on the blackmagic probe.  This has the advantage of being easily connectable to GDB via emulating gdbserver on it’s virtual serial port.

Unfortunately there doesn’t look like there is a documented way of connecting a 3rd party debugger to the Nucleo board but reading the schematics showed an answer in the form of the CN4 jumper block.

In order to connect a the black magic probe to the Nucleo board simply remove the jumpers from CN4 on the ST-Link .  You can then access the SWDIO pins on the main MCU as shown in the list below.


You will also need to connect the ground pin of the blackmagic probe to a ground pin on the Nucleo board (I used one of the ground pins which have jumpers on them which are used for feet on the board.

And here is a picture of the board.

Passive POE Raspberry PI

I’be been using a Raspberry PI with a DVB-T2 card so we can stream TV to our PCs and tablets around the house.  As the PI sometimes crashes I’ve wanted to make it work with passive POE, I’ve also wanted to put it in a box.

So I’ve built a box which has a barrel connector for my POE adaptor cables.  The box also has a DC/DC converter to convert the 12V-24V I’m using in my server cabinet to the 5V required for the Raspberry PI.

As there wasn’t room in the box to have a lead going from the USB power socket on the PI i decided to feed power in via the expansion connector (i also didn’t have many spare USB cables).  Unfortunately this has the disadvantage of bypassing the poly fuse which protects the PI so I will probably add my own at a later date.

A view inside showing the DC/DC converter module.

Duna 1

So I’m currently going through my periodic phase of being addicted to KSP.  This time I’ve been using the USI Lifesupport mod ( https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI-LS/wiki ) to make things a bit challenging.  This mod requires you to keep your Kerbels supplied with food and have enough space to wander around if they are stuck somewhere for a long time.

The current mission which i’m working on is Duna 1, my first mission to Duna (KSP equivalent of mars).


Our brave kerbals posing for a photo on Duna in front of a NuLander 1c lander.

Flying the Grob 103a

On Sunday my usual glider the ASK21 wasn’t available so I flew the clubs Grob for the first time.  This was interesting as the Grob is a lot less forgiving of uncoordinated (flying without using the rudder correctly) flight then the ASK-21.  It really highlighted that I’ve started to develop a habit where the first thing I drop in high concentration situations is my rudder control.

Even though my rudder control caused me lot’s of problem I still covered quite a lot flying the Grob.  The aircraft is much less placid then the ASK21 which was really interesting when I practised stalling it.  I found it to have a much more obvious buffeting which was interesting.

A Grob 103 similar to the one we have out our club.

I also made lots of progress with taking of on the winch which was welcome as I haven’t been able to practice this for a few weeks due to the club winch being out of action.  The highlight being my first couple of launches where I correctly flew the whole of the launch on my own!

Outside of real world aviation I’ve also bought some new Saitek rudder pedal’s for my PC.  I think having pedals is even more important when you fly real aircraft as well as simulators and will hopefully get me more into the habit of using the rudder more when I fly in real life.  I’ve also been playing around with trying to stall and spin various aircraft in X-Plane and DCS.  It’s been particularly interesting with DCS’ F86 as this really shows up the affects of high G on stalling speed.   While stalling the F86 I managed to get it to stall where the wing drops and it goest into a dive.  Recovering from this was really difficult and I crashed the aircraft into the ground quite a few times.




Learning to Fly

So after a work trip to a local gliding club I ended up enjoying it so much I decided to learn to fly gliders.  It’s been going really well for the last couple of months and last Sunday I did my first landing with me operating all the controls (my instructors have been using the airbrake to control the descent rate for my earlier landings).  I’ve also been experimenting with recording my flight logs so I can see where I’ve been flying and generally get a better idea of how to improve my circuits (basically the path you have to fly to perform a landing).  So after using a program called gpsvisualizer I made a track of my last flight on Sunday.


I also took a picture of the instrument panel on one of the clubs ASK21’s that I fly:


As you can see there’s a lot less instruments then you see on powered aircraft.  We also have a device call a variometer instead of a vertical speed indicator.  The variometer is designed to show if you are climbing or sinking due to atmospheric effects such as thermals.  The other instrument that is rarer is the G meter which is one with the 3 dials next to the altimeter.  This is needed as most gliders are certified for acrobatic flight and I’ve already experienced pulling about 3Gs from flying a fast turn when we had some altitude to burn off.