It’s 1985 in a parallel universe where Europeon telecoms companies have understood the need to bring down costs and install a new digital communications network based on ISDN.
In parallel Minicomputers and Mainframes are being joined together to better share information between companies and academic institutions using packet switch. They all agree on a information sharing agreemement that mirrors the current internet where costs are shared and the system is opened up to indviduals.
This is a small project to imagine what the reader would experience if this had happened and their newly purchased LOUCORP9000 ISDN modem arrives through the door ready to be connected to their BBC Microcomputer.
In order to connect a real PC to your local PAD (which is what RustTex does) you will need to run the tcpser program and the Beebem BBC micro emulator.
How to install
Download beebem from and install it on your PC. Versions are also available for Unix and I think mac.
You will then need to install tcpser to allow you to emulate a modem. You can download it from . Unpack the tcpser zip file and launch the GO.bat file.
Then run BeebEm. From the comms menu select RS232 destination and select localhost:25232 I’ve not had much luck connecting directly to RustTex yet so for now your have to use tcpser to connect to RustTex.
Then follow the instructions in the pamphlet below. Your phone no. is the IP address or hostname of the machine running RustTex (localhost if it’s the same PC as your running BeebEm).
Your LOUCORP9000 ISDN modem.
Congratulations on purchasing your LOUCORP9000 ISDN modem. Your ISDN modem provides the very latest technology which will allow you to connect to your local PAD (packet assembler/disassembler) and experience the internet at speeds of up to 9600 baud.
How to connect your ISDN modem to the Internet
Connect your modem to you ISDN line and connect it’s serial port to the back of the BBC micro. Once the modem is connected then you will need a terminal emulator running on your BBC micro. Below is a simple BBC basic terminal emulator your can type into your BBC micro.
10*FX2 2
20*FX7 4
30*FX8 4
40*FX229 1
60 A%=138:X%=2
80 *FX2 1
100 *FX2 2
Enter the code above and don’t forget to save it to a disc or tape using the SAVE “filename” command! You can now run the terminal emulator using the RUN command.
How to connect to your local PAD
In the terminal emulator type AT and press the return key. The ISDN modem should return with OK. To connect to your local pad type the following, where phone number is the phone number of your local PAD.
ATDT <phone number>
For example you could type ATDT localhost
This will connect to the PAD and you will get a screen similar to the one below.

From here you can get help by typing help! Refer to the documentation of the PAD you are dialing into for more information.
Reinventing viewdata? See / for how it actually happened; Prestel was launched in 1979!
Cool, I didn’t realise it was quite that early. It is very similar to how Prestell worked, I always thought it was a lot more centralised than it actually was.
It’s really a shame people in charge weren’t forward thinking enough to make Prestell and similar systems more popular. If they had similar support to what Minitel did in France things would of been very different.