This is probably a bit premuture as I haven’t implemented HTTP yet in RustTex but I thought I’d do a short post on making pages for RustTex (you can also use the same pages with a teletext emulator).
I use a program called wxTED to create pages for RustTex. This is primarily designed for TeleText so the RustText file handler has to do a few things to make sure they display properly on a BBC micro/BeebEm.
wxTed presents a GUI which allows you to enter text. You can do line drawing by using ctrl-F? (F1-F9 for the colour). In graphics mode you can use q,a,z,w,s,x to change one of 6 blocks inside the character location. It also lets you set the background colour and do lots of other stuff. Check out it’s help pages Help->Special keys and have a play.